Let’s work together to ensure the assets you’ve worked so hard to accumulate in your life are protected and passed on to future generations.


We can help you preserve your legacy and experience the peace of mind you deserve. Simplicity Illinois and its Partners are experienced in utilizing the many unique benefits of life insurance to protect an estate and create a wrapper around your overall financial plan, ensuring that sickness, and even death, does not diminish the legacy you are building.


Use the unique tax-advantages of life insurance to supplement your retirement income. A properly structured plan allows high-earning individuals to accumulate a diversified pool of money that can be accessed tax-free.


Many individuals already own life insurance policies that have been left unmonitored or untouched for years. Simplicity Illinois audits hundreds of these a year and often finds a product and a plan much more in line with their client’s goals.


When it comes to financing large life insurance policies, many high-net-worth individuals and families choose to retain their assets and have a third-party lender pay their insurance premiums. Simplicity Illinois is experienced and approved for Premium Financing by the industry’s premier insurance carriers and can help clients through this complex process and decide if it’s right for them.

Here are some of the concepts we offer individuals:

    • Income Replacement
    • Estate Liquidity
    • Supplemental Retirement Income
    • Existing Policy Management
    • Long-Term Care Planning
    • Disability Protection